Plain Language Rule Summaries / Resúmenes de reglas en lenguaje sencillo

This page features plain language summaries of Railroad Commission of Texas rulemakings prepared pursuant to Texas Government Code §2001.023. These are only summaries. To review the full rule and/or submit comments online, visit the Railroad Commission of Texas website at under “Rules”. If you have any questions, contact our Office of General Counsel at

Esta página presenta resúmenes en lenguaje sencillo de las reglamentaciónes de la Comisión de Ferrocarriles de Texas preparada de conformidad con el Código de Gobierno de Texas §2001.023. Estos son solo resúmenes. Para revisar la regla completa y/o enviar comentarios en línea, visite el sitio web de la Comisión de Ferrocarriles de Texas en bajo "Reglas". Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nuestra Oficina de Asesoría General en         


Proposed Rules Reglas propuestas

16 TAC §3.70 and various rules in Chapter 8--Amendments regarding the Form T-4B procedures and federal updates



16 TAC §3.8 and other rules in Chapter 3, and new rules in Chapter 4, Subchapter A, and amendments to Chapter 4, Subchapter B regarding oil and gas waste management


16 TAC Chapter 6, Subchapter A, new rules regarding shallow closed-loop geothermal wells



Adopted Rules Reglas adoptadas

16 TAC §7.460--Amendment regarding a classification table to guide courts in issuing civil penalties against gas utilities who disconnect service to residential customers during an extreme weather emergency.

16 TAC §7.480--New rule regarding energy conservation programs

   Español (§7.460)


   Español (§7.480)


Draft Rules for Informal Comment Borrador de reglas para comentarios informales



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