Commissioner Craddick Cites Importance of Pipeline Safety as State’s Energy Infrastructure Grows

August 25, 2016

SAN ANTONIO – Railroad Commissioner Christi Craddick spoke to members of the Texas pipeline industry today at the annual Railroad Commission Pipeline Safety Conference in San Antonio. Pipeline operators from across the state attended the conference to learn about new or changing rules at the state and federal level and to exchange ideas and best practices with industry members.

“As we have watched major growth in U.S. energy development, the expansion of pipeline infrastructure has also skyrocketed,” Craddick said. “Today, Texas has more than 439,000 miles of pipeline, representing the most total pipeline mileage in the United States.

“Pipelines are critical to the safe and timely transport of our resources,” Craddick said. “And, regulation of the pipeline industry is one of the most important duties of the Railroad Commission in protecting our citizens and enabling the industry to keep pace with transporting our increasing energy supplies. As regulation of pipelines evolves, we will continue to ensure that industry has the information they need to safely operate in Texas.”

Christi Craddick was elected statewide by the people of Texas in November 2012 to serve a six-year term as Texas Railroad Commissioner. A native of Midland, Christi is an attorney specializing in oil and gas, water, tax issues, electric deregulation and environmental policy.

About the Railroad Commission:
Our mission is to serve Texas by our stewardship of natural resources and the environment, our concern for personal and community safety, and our support of enhanced development and economic vitality for the benefit of Texans. The Commission has a long and proud history of service to both Texas and to the nation, including more than 100 years regulating the oil and gas industry. The Commission also has jurisdiction over alternative fuels safety, natural gas utilities, surface mining and intrastate pipelines. Established in 1891, the Railroad Commission of Texas is the oldest regulatory agency in the state. To learn more, please visit