RRC Offices are closed Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Staff will be on hand to respond to oil and gas and pipeline emergencies.
Call toll-free at 844-773-0305.

Completing Form H-5

As of April 2021, operators must file the Injection/Disposal Mechanical Well Pressure Test Report (Form H-5) online using the RRC Online System. Review the User's Guide for guidance on how to file your test using this system.

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Operator, Lease and Well Information Section

Once the well is selected using one of the search options (UIC number, API number or Advanced Search), the system will populate the Operator Information and Lease and Well Information sections. The information in these sections cannot be modified.

Test Information Section

Reason for Test

Report the reason for conducting the test.

Date of Test

Report the date the test was conducted.

Is this a Retest?

Check the box if this is a retest after an unsuccessful test. Report date of last unsuccessful test. Describe action taken to repair well for retest in Remedial Actions Prior to Retest. See Form H-5 Instruction 5.

Well Completion Strings Table

Indicate size and setting depth of surface casing, production casing, and tubing. Delete the row if an existing row does not apply to your well completion. Top of cement is required for casing strings. However, Top of cement cannot be entered for Tubing or Hanging String since those strings by definition cannot be cemented.

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Well Information Section

Completion Without Tubing or Packer

Indicate depth of packer or plug if the well is equipped for casing injection and is being tested against a temporary packer/plug. (Note: injection wells without a packer must either have been permitted prior to April 23, 1982, or have applied for and been approved for a rule-exception.)

Authorized Injection Pressure

The authorized injection pressure determines required test pressure. Obtain from the permit (or from the permit application for older permits).If not specified on permit or permit application, indicate the maximum operating pressure reported on the most recent Form H-10.

Permitted Injection Interval and Completed Injection Interval

Permitted Injection Interval is automatically populated and cannot be modified. Enter the current top and bottom of the perforated or open-hole completed injection interval.

Test Pressures Section

Test Pressures Table

Show a minimum of three readings each for tubing, casing, and surface casing pressures. Surface casing readings may not apply to all wells.

Characteristics of Injection Fluids 

Not required to be completed unless a pressure anomaly occurs during the test that can be accounted for by some physical factor that could be explained by the injection fluid. See Form H-5 Instructions 4(e).

Characteristics of Annulus Fluids 

Not required to be completed unless a pressure anomaly occurs during the test that could explained by some physical factor of the annulus fluid. Wells that inject liquids, are required by rule to test with a liquid-filled annulus. Rules 9 and 46 expressly prohibit the use of any packer fluid additives (e.g. drilling mud, polymer or silica gels, etc.) "that may affect the sensitivity or otherwise reduce the effectiveness of the test." See Form H-5 Instructions 4(e) and 4(f)

Test Witnessed by RRC?

If yes is checked, the district office will verify that the test was witnessed by and RRC inspector. 

Operator Comments on Test

Provide any additional information necessary to evaluate the test results.


See the Filing Form H-5 Online page for requirements for uploading pressure recorder charts.
