RRC Offices are closed Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Staff will be on hand to respond to oil and gas and pipeline emergencies.
Call toll-free at 844-773-0305.

Pressure - East Texas

Information For Permitting Injection/Disposal Wells in Shelby, Panola & Harrison County


The Commission has identified several areas in the Sabine Uplift in East Texas with elevated bottom hole pressures. These specific areas are in Harrison, Panola and Shelby counties, all of which have encountered elevated pressures during drilling and plugging of oil or gas wells. Pressured formations include the Duck Creek Formation, the Goodland Lime Formation, Rodessa Formation, Pettit Formation and Travis Peak Formation. Additional data collection and analysis is required for all applications in the three-county area.

Application Information

The Checklist below outlines the information required for injection/disposal well applications that undergo a East Texas review. Applicants are encouraged to submit any additional information that will assist in the review.


  • ½ mile Top of Cement Table
  • Porosity and Permeability Data
  • Annotated Log
  • Historic H-10 data for surrounding injection/disposal wells

Checklist Item Description

½ Mile Top of Cement Table

  • An applicant for a new injection disposal permit or an amendment of an existing permit must include a table which includes all of the wells within a half mile radius of the proposed well.
  • This table should include the top of cement for all casing strings ran in these wells, method for top of cement determination, and well status.
  • Applicant must submit the appropriate cementing, completion and/or plugging record forms for all wells within the ½ mile area of interest.
  • Adequate amount of cement is defined as cement reaching the top of the proposed interval.

Porosity and Permeability Data

  • Both porosity and permeability data for Form H-1/H-1A and Form W-14 applications are required to help assess reservoir properties.
  • Any further reservoir geologic data will help in determining the overall grade of the application. It is strongly recommended this data be provided and accurate.

Annotated Log

  • An annotated log showing formation tops/bottoms, injection interval and impermeable strata is required.
  • The log should include a full header down through the proposed injection/disposal interval. Submit via digital well log submission platform found here.

Historic H-10 data for surrounding injection/disposal wells

  • Applicant must provide both average and maximum injections pressures and monthly volumes for all injection/disposal wells within a 2-mile radius of the proposed well location.
  • Submit both pdf copies of the Form H-10 reports and raw data in excel format. Copies of the Form H-10 can be found on our injection/disposal query here.


Permit Special Conditions

  • Static Bottom Hole Pressure Test are required for most granted applications inside of the three-county concern area. The frequency of these test is determined during the review process by the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Group.
  • The UIC group may limit max daily injection volumes and max surface injection pressures.
  • Cement Bond Log may be required to verify cement behind production casing.
  • Tracery Surveys may be requested to show fluid containment to permitted injection interval and formation(s).
