RRC Offices are closed Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Staff will be on hand to respond to oil and gas and pipeline emergencies.
Call toll-free at 844-773-0305.

10-year Inactive Wells

as of 9/1/2010

(Five Year Phase-in Population)

HB2259 and Commission Rule 15 (effective 9/13/2010) provide for a five-year phase-in period to remove surface equipment from land wells that have been inactive for more than 10 years as of September 1, 2010. The Commission has identified all 10-year inactive wells as of September 1, 2010; a listing of those wells is available through following link:

List of 10 Year Inactive Wells Excel file icon

Under HB2259 and Rule 15, a percentage of these wells must be brought into compliance in each year: 20% must be brought into compliance by 9/1/2011, a total of 40% by 9/1/2012, a total of 60% by 9/1/2013, a total of 805 by 9/1/2014, and all wells by 9/1/2015.

To bring a well into compliance, the operator must file appropriate documentation with the Commission showing that the operator has restored the well to active operation; has plugged and removed the surface equipment from the well; or has removed the surface equipment and obtained a plugging extension for these well. Transfer of a well from one operator to another does not constitute compliance under these rules. The transferring operator cannot count a transferred well towards their requirement, and the receiving operator will have only six months to bring the well into compliance following the transfer.

IMPORTANT: The five-year phase-in period does NOT apply to wells that reach their 10th year of inactivity after September 1, 2010; nor does it apply to disconnection of electricity. Any disconnection of electric service required by HB2259 and Rule 15 must be completed prior to renewal of an operator's P-5 Organization Report under these rules.
