RRC Offices are closed Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Staff will be on hand to respond to oil and gas and pipeline emergencies.
Call toll-free at 844-773-0305.

Request for Qualifications Process

Service Contractors to Plug Orphaned and Abandoned Wells with Federal Funds

The RRC will utilize a Request for Qualifications Procurement Method to accept responses for well plugging contracts. The RRC anticipates posting a Request for Qualifications solicitation following final formula grant guidance from the DOI, which is expected later this year.  Solicitations are posted on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) at this link:

Two months prior to that posting, the RRC is required to post a notice of intent to procure on the ESBD. The notice will include a description of the goods and services to be procured.

When the official Request for Qualifications is posted on the ESBD, vendors seeking to contract with the RRC for well plugging services shall be required to complete and submit a statewide well plugging response, detailing their qualifications, personnel experience, plugging equipment, past experience and the RRC districts for which they are proposing to provide well plugging and related services.

Responses shall be evaluated on contractor qualifications, financial terms and to ensure they comply with all federal, state and RRC contract requirements. The RRC reserves the right to negotiate all proposed cost, including but not limited to labor, material, or equipment costs. 

Once awarded, a well plugging contract shall be valid for the duration of the Fiscal Year (September 1 – August 31) for which it is issued. Awarded contract(s) shall be valid for initial terms of one year, and at the discretion of the RRC may be eligible for renewal annually for up to three (3), one year renewal terms.

Contractors interested in receiving updates on notices and Requests for Qualifications are encouraged to register on the Centralized Master Bidders List.

Contractors who have any questions may contact RRC Contract Management at

More information on the RRC’s solicitations process, including active contracts, can be found on the RRC Contract Management page.
